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american beauty 【植物;植物學】美國月月紅。

“ revolutionary road “ will be directed by winslet ' s husband , british filmmaker sam mendes , who won an oscar for directing 1999 ' s dysfunctional family drama “ american beauty . 命運多舛的革命之路改編自美國作家理查德葉茨1961年出版的同名小說,以美國南北戰爭后50年代為背景,描述戰后一代人的覺醒。

“ american beauty “ is not as dark or twisted as “ happiness , “ last year ' s attempt to shine a light under the rock of american society 不像影片“幸福”那樣黑暗和扭曲, 《美國麗人》給社會帶來一絲光芒。

Dora : how about “ american beauty “ ? that should be entertaining 朵拉: 《美國麗人》怎么樣?應該好看的。

american cheese

“ revolutionary road “ will be directed by winslet ' s husband , british filmmaker sam mendes , who won an oscar for directing 1999 ' s dysfunctional family drama “ american beauty . 命運多舛的革命之路改編自美國作家理查德葉茨1961年出版的同名小說,以美國南北戰爭后50年代為背景,描述戰后一代人的覺醒。

Any movie starring kevin spacey ( e . g . , american beauty ) and ed harris ( e . g . , enemy at the gate ) . their acting is great and their movies tend to be the best - selling 我喜歡凱文史貝西(如美國心玫瑰情)和艾德哈利斯(如大敵當前)演的所有電影,他們的演技太棒了,而且電影都較好又叫座。

“ american beauty “ is not as dark or twisted as “ happiness , “ last year ' s attempt to shine a light under the rock of american society 不像影片“幸福”那樣黑暗和扭曲, 《美國麗人》給社會帶來一絲光芒。

Smells like a garden of roses . inspired by the film american beauty . it leaves your hair light with lots of volume . 8oz 氣味像一個大花園中的玫瑰.受美國電影的美感.它離你的頭發輕同地段的體積.毛

American beauty took home five oscars on sunday , including best actor for kevin spacey 《美麗有罪》囊括五項奧斯卡大獎。該片男主角奇云史帕西榮膺金像影帝。

American beauty , an oscar award winner , resonated with the middle class families of that country 奧斯卡獲獎片《美國麗人》在該國中產階級家庭中產生了共鳴。

American beauty took home five oscars on sunday , including best actor for kevin acey 《美麗有罪》囊括五項奧斯卡大獎。該片男主角奇云史帕西榮膺金像影帝。

American beauty , an oscar award winner , resonated with the middle class families of that country 奧斯卡獲獎片美國麗人在該過中產階級家庭中產生了共鳴

Olsen s crabbed script . fifty two american beauties . total 13 . paid in advance 那是奧爾森先生潦草的筆跡,彭尼曼,紅玫瑰52朵,總共13美元,已付。

American beauty director sam mendes has the moral support of his mother on his big night “美國薔薇”導演桑姆?門德斯以及支持他的母親。

American beauty is well expected to carry the oscar award off this year 很有可能贏得今年的奧斯卡大獎。

Dora : how about “ american beauty “ ? that should be entertaining 朵拉: 《美國麗人》怎么樣?應該好看的。

Postmodernist characteristics in american beauty 中的后現代主義特征